This site is intended as a resource for researchers of the Hurt surname. Our goal is to have information on every person with the surname of Hurt and to bring together people researching the same lines so as to not duplicate work efforts. Please help us by sending in your branch of the tree!
Who are we?

Read our welcome message and a little bit about the people who run this place. (Inactive)

We need your help!

The Hurt Family Genealogical Site needs some helpers! All we need is a few minutes a week of your time. Click here to find out more. (Inactive)

B u l l e t i n - B o a r d
Our electronic Bulletin Board and Hurt information exchange.


Latest News:  

2/17/02 - The web site's previous host has closed and the site is currently being relocated and redesigned for it's new home. Planed new features include the ability for users to upload thier own family pictures, documents and information to the library in real-time. Also, we plan to add the entire contents of the Bedford Co., VA Genealogy Society's Hurt file in PDF format.

Add Your Family - Please take the time to contribute to this project by filling out and forwarding your families genealogy info. Forms are now available on-line. (Inactive)

Email Mailing List - Get e-mail when this web site is changed or updated. (Inactive)

Contact us:

L i b r a r y
Hurt Wills, obituaries, land deeds, church records, bibliographies, etc.


F a m i l y  T r e e
Hurt relatives indexed by surname


P h o t o  A l b u m
The collection of Hurt family and individual photos


We are glad to receive your questions, but in most cases will not have answers. We encourage you to post your questions, querries and comments to our web based bulletin board. That way we can all answer and benefit from the sharing of information! We would also appreciate your submission of any other information you may have, like pictures and documents to make this site better.

This site has been accessed many times since June 14, 1999